The Dao of Minimal Linux Live (27-Dec-2017) Author: Ivan Davidov Website: GitHub: Email: davidov (dot) i {at} gmail [dot] com Redistributed by: ### ### ### Contents 1. Preface 2. Boot Process 3. Inside The Shell Scripts 4. Possible Improvements 5. Next Steps 6. Epilogue ### ### ### 1. Preface Please feel free to redistribute this document in any form you see fit. However, I'd like to ask of you to respect my efforts and mention me as the original author - that's my only demand. Note that the explanations regarding the script details are based on the "28-Jul-2014" version of "Minimal Linux Live". Future versions of the scripts may already include some of the stuff discussed in the section "Possible Improvements". ### ### ### 2. Boot Process The overall boot process is quite complex, but we need to know these details as we are talking about operating systems and, precisely, Linux based operating systems. You can find some general information here: When it comes to live Linux OS, the overall boot process is the following: 1) BIOS gives the execution control to the boot loader present on the boot media such as CD, DVD, USB flash or something else. 2) In most cases, the boot loader is based on Syslinux. On our boot media, we should have two special files - the kernel file and the initramfs file. 3) The boot media also contains a special configuration file, which points to the location of the kernel/initramfs files. 4) Now that Syslinux knows where the kernel file is, it loads it in the RAM and passes the execution control to it. 5) The kernel detects the available hardware, loads necessary drivers and then it passes the execution control to the initramfs. 6) The initramfs file is an archive, automatically unpacked by the kernel in the RAM. The actual execution control is passed to the shell script file /init, which must be present in the initramfs file. 7) Since we are talking about minimal live CD, in theory, /init is not supposed to do much. All we need from /init is to prepare the environment and provide the user with shell. In most live Linux distributions, the /init script is supposed to do much more than this, but for the time being, it's enough to know that the point at which we take control is exactly the /init script. ### ### ### 3. Inside The Shell Scripts So far, we have learnt that we need several pieces in order to build a live Linux OS: 1) boot loader - to make our media bootable. 2) kernel file - to take care of the initial system bootstrap process. 3) initramfs file - to prepare the necessary environment for the user. This document focuses on parts (2) and (3). The reason why we won't discuss (1) in details is because the build process that we are going to rely on later, takes care of the boot loader part automatically. The ZIP, which you have downloaded, contains the following files: .config If you have followed the explanation posted on , then you should already know you need to execute the script "". If you open this script with a text editor, you will find out that everything it does is to execute all other scripts one by one. From this point onwards, I encourage you to execute the script files one by one. We will start with "". If you take a look at the script's contents, you will find out that it only creates an empty folder named "work". We will store our temporary work files there. OK, let's continue with the kernel. Somehow, we need to end up with a fully functional kernel, which is able to perform the system initialization for us. We need to download the kernel sources, compile them and finally pack the kernel. The script "" downloads the kernel sources and unpacks them. Here is the full source code of the script: #/bin/sh DOWNLOAD_URL=$(grep -i KERNEL_SOURCE_URL .config | cut -f2 -d'=') ARCHIVE_FILE=${DOWNLOAD_URL##*/} cd work rm -f $ARCHIVE_FILE wget $DOWNLOAD_URL rm -rf kernel mkdir kernel tar -xvf $ARCHIVE_FILE -C kernel cd .. Firstly, we have to read the ".config" file in order to find the URL for the kernel sources, which is stored in the "DOWNLOAD_URL" variable. Then, we get the actual name of the archive file and we store it in the variable "ARCHIVE_FILE". The important part of the script is the line where we get the kernel sources: wget $DOWNLOAD_URL The next important part of the script is the line where we unpack the kernel sources: tar -xvf $ARCHIVE_FILE -C kernel At this point, we have downloaded and unpacked the kernel sources. So far so good. Now, we need to compile them. We move to the next script in the chain called "". Here is the full source code that we are going to analyse: #/bin/sh cd work/kernel cd $(ls -d *) make clean make defconfig sed -i "s/.*CONFIG_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME.*/CONFIG_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME=\"minimal-linux-live\"/" .config make vmlinux cd ../../.. First we navigate to the kernel source folder. Then, we execute the following commands: make clean The above command cleans the output from our previous kernel builds. Obviously, if this is the first time we go through the build process, we have nothing to clean. make defconfig The abovementioned command creates new ".config" file in the current folder, which contains all default configuration parameters needed to build our new kernel. Note that the defaults will be either 32 or 64 bit specific, depending on your Linux environment. sed -i "s/.*CONFIG_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME.*/CONFIG_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME=\"minimal-linux-live\"/" .config The command searches for a specific line in the ".config" file, containing the string "CONFIG_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME" and replaces this whole line with the following text: CONFIG_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME="minimal-linux-live" Later, when you boot up your live Linux OS, you can execute the command "uname -a" and you will see the string "minimal-linux-live" in the output. All we did was to replace the default value "(none)" with our custom value. Now you have a sample command, which you can use to search for specific configurations in the file ".config" and replace these configurations with ones of your own. Obviously, you can skip this replacement - and everything will work just fine. Like I said, the only difference will be that the default host name will be set to "minimal-linux-live" instead of "(none)". Now we come to the most important and also slowest part in the whole process: we need to actually create the kernel. make vmlinux The abovementioned command will compile the Linux kernel. This usually takes quite a while, so I guess it's high time for a short break. The final kernel file is located here: arch/x86/boot/bzImage OK, at this point we should have a kernel file compiled with default options, where we have changed the default host name with some other value of our own. Now, we move to the next part. The kernel itself is far from enough - we also need some kind of environment with basic command line tools like ls, cat, mkdir, etc. This environment is called "initramfs" which stands for "initial RAM file system". This is what we are going to do: 1) We are going to download & compile BusyBox. This will give us the basic command line tools that we need for normal work in console mode. 2) We will use BusyBox to provide us with some default directory/file structure, which we are going to modify into our own initramfs file. One by one - we need to download and unpack the BusyBox sources. Let's take a look at the script file "": #/bin/sh DOWNLOAD_URL=$(grep -i BUSYBOX_SOURCE_URL .config | cut -f2 -d'=') ARCHIVE_FILE=${DOWNLOAD_URL##*/} cd work rm -f $ARCHIVE_FILE wget $DOWNLOAD_URL rm -rf busybox mkdir busybox tar -xvf $ARCHIVE_FILE -C busybox cd .. The contents are almost identical to the one in "", which we already explained earlier. Long story short - we get the source archive with "wget" and then we unpack the sources with "tar". That's it. Nothing complex at all. Now that we have BusyBox sources, we need to compile them. Let's take a look at the next script "" which we need to execute: #/bin/sh cd work/busybox cd $(ls -d *) make clean make defconfig sed -i "s/.*CONFIG_STATIC.*/CONFIG_STATIC=y/" .config make busybox make install cd ../../.. You have probably already noticed it - we are going to execute several "make" commands and meanwhile, we will change one property in the ".config" file. Let's go through all of these commands: make clean The command above ensures that we will get rid of all build artefacts, assuming this is not the first time we go through the BusyBox build process. make defconfig This command creates new ".config" file, which contains the defaults for proper BusyBox build process. Again, nothing extraordinary here. sed -i "s/.*CONFIG_STATIC.*/CONFIG_STATIC=y/" .config The command above is very important, because we inform the build process to build a static version of BusyBox, meaning that the BusyBox executable file will not be dependent on any external library. We cannot skip this step, otherwise our OS will fail with "kernel panic" when we try to boot. make busybox The command above compiles BusyBox. Nothing interesting here. The build should be significantly faster compared to the kernel build. make install The command above creates new "_install" folder and installs BusyBox in it. We will use this folder as a base for our new initramfs file. At this point, we should have kernel compiled with default settings (yes, we changed one of them, but it's no big deal) and we should also have BusyBox compiled with static option enabled and all other default settings. Now we come to the part where we create our own initramfs folder, which later on we will pack into a file. The steps that we are going to follow are these: 1) Use the already created "_install" folder as base for initramfs. 2) Create some new folders in the initramfs folder. 3) Create some configuration files in the initramfs folder. Now we come to the script "" which is responsible for generating proper initramfs folder with all necessary files and sub-folders in it. #/bin/sh cd work rm -rf rootfs cd busybox cd $(ls -d *) cp -R _install ../../rootfs cd ../../rootfs rm -f linuxrc mkdir dev mkdir etc mkdir proc mkdir src mkdir sys mkdir tmp cd etc touch welcome.txt echo >> welcome.txt echo ' #####################################' >> welcome.txt echo ' # #' >> welcome.txt echo ' # Welcome to "Minimal Linux Live" #' >> welcome.txt echo ' # #' >> welcome.txt echo ' #####################################' >> welcome.txt echo >> welcome.txt cd .. touch init echo '#!/bin/sh' >> init echo 'dmesg -n 1' >> init echo 'mount -t devtmpfs none /dev' >> init echo 'mount -t proc none /proc' >> init echo 'mount -t sysfs none /sys' >> init echo 'cat /etc/welcome.txt' >> init echo 'while true' >> init echo 'do' >> init echo ' setsid cttyhack /bin/sh' >> init echo 'done' >> init echo >> init chmod +x init cp ../../*.sh src cp ../../.config src cd ../.. As you can see, this script is much longer than the others. Let's take a look at the important parts one by one. cd work rm -rf rootfs cd busybox cd $(ls -d *) cp -R _install ../../rootfs cd ../../rootfs The code snippet above removes the old initramfs folder called "rootfs", then copies the "_install" folder (the one created by BusyBox) with a new name - "rootfs". This folder is going to be our new initramfs focal point. rm -f linuxrc The folder "rootfs" contains file "linuxrc" which we don't need since we are going to use initramfs boot scheme. Take a look at the following Wikipedia article for more details: OK, lets go on. mkdir dev mkdir etc mkdir proc mkdir src mkdir sys mkdir tmp The code snippet above creates some basic folders which we are going to use later. cd etc touch welcome.txt echo >> welcome.txt echo ' #####################################' >> welcome.txt echo ' # #' >> welcome.txt echo ' # Welcome to "Minimal Linux Live" #' >> welcome.txt echo ' # #' >> welcome.txt echo ' #####################################' >> welcome.txt echo >> welcome.txt cd .. The code snippet above creates the file "/etc/welcome.txt" and fills it with the message which will be displayed every time we boot up the system. touch init echo '#!/bin/sh' >> init echo 'dmesg -n 1' >> init echo 'mount -t devtmpfs none /dev' >> init echo 'mount -t proc none /proc' >> init echo 'mount -t sysfs none /sys' >> init echo 'cat /etc/welcome.txt' >> init echo 'while true' >> init echo 'do' >> init echo ' setsid cttyhack /bin/sh' >> init echo 'done' >> init echo >> init The code snippet above creates the file "/init", which is going to be invoked by our kernel when we boot up the system. In fact, we create new shell script file. This is what our new "/init" script does: dmesg -n 1 - We hide all kernel messages. We don't want them in our console. Only kernel panic messages will be displayed. mount -t devtmpfs none /dev - With this command, we politely ask the kernel to populate the /dev folder with all necessary system devices like "console", "tty", etc. We also have nice names for the hardware devices like "sr0", "sda", etc. mount -t proc none /proc - The kernel populates the /proc folder. mount -t sysfs none /sys - The kernel populates the /sys folder. cat /etc/welcome.txt - Now we display the welcome message. while true - This code snippet starts shell on "tty" device and setsid cttyhack /bin/sh we rest assured that when we execute the "exit" done command new shell will be started automatically. As you can see, what the "/init" script file does isn't too much, however, it's really essential. We have only one more bit of code relevant to the "/init" file: chmod +x init The command above ensures that our "/init" script is executable. cp ../../*.sh src cp ../../.config src The last thing we do is to copy all "Minimal Linux Live" shell scripts (including the configuration file) in the "/src" folder. The scripts won't do anything there. This step simply ensures that the live Linux ISO file, which we are going to create later, contains the build sources, just for reference. At this point we have "rootfs" folder which contains all necessary files and configurations for our initramfs file. The next step is to pack the "rootfs" folder into an actual initramfs file. Let's take a look at "": #!/bin/sh cd work rm -f rootfs.cpio.gz cd rootfs find . | cpio -H newc -o | gzip > ../rootfs.cpio.gz cd ../.. The abovementioned script removes the already existing initramfs file called "rootfs.cpio.gz", then creates a new file called "rootfs.cpio.gz" based on the contents of the "rootfs" folder. We are almost finished. At this point, we have already compiled the Linux kernel and we have also created initramfs file based on BusyBox and our own set of configurations. The last thing to do is to generate a bootable ISO file. Let's take a look at the last script "": #/bin/sh rm -f minimal_linux_live.iso cd work/kernel cd $(ls -d *) make isoimage FDINITRD=../../rootfs.cpio.gz cp arch/x86/boot/image.iso ../../../minimal_linux_live.iso cd ../../.. As usual, firstly we remove the already generated ISO file, assuming this is not the first time we go through this process. Then we navigate to the kernel's source folder and we execute the following command: make isoimage FDINITRD=../../rootfs.cpio.gz This command generates bootable ISO based on the already compiled Linux kernel and it uses the initramfs file which we pass to the "make" command as additional parameter. The generated ISO file is then copied to the folder where we are executing our scripts. UPDATE (02-Oct-2016): The "make isoimage" command relies on Syslinux older than 5.0. The issue: Syslinux versions after 5.0 require ldlinux.c32 which is not handled correctly by the kernel's Makefile. You need to appply a patch to the Makefile in order to make it work correctly. I find it easier to edit the Makefile and apply the patch changes manually: if [ -f /usr/$$i/syslinux/isolinux.bin ] ; then \ # old line cp /usr/$$i/syslinux/isolinux.bin $(obj)/isoimage ; \ # old line if [ -f /usr/$$i/syslinux/ldlinux.c32 ] ; then \ # new line (patch) cp /usr/$$i/syslinux/ldlinux.c32 $(obj)/isoimage ; \ # new line (patch) fi ; \ # new line (patch) break ; \ # old line fi ; \ # old line Another possible solution is to manually generate the ISO image by executing the command "genisoimage" with the appropriate arguments. You can take a look at the project "Minimal Linux Script" which follows the "genisoimage" approach: ### ### ### 4. Possible Improvements Now that you have played around with your shiny new live Linux OS, you have probably noticed that you are logged in automatically and you have no restrictions. However, it only looks like you are automatically logged in. Yes, you get shell console and this console allows you to perform "root" operations, but this doesn't mean that you are logged in as "root" or any other user. In fact there are no users and groups in the system. I'll show you the proper way to add some users and groups from within your system while it is still running. You can examine the final result for yourself and modify the "" script according to your needs. OK, let's try with the "root" account! touch /etc/group The command above will create empty file "/etc/group" where we store the information for all groups. addgroup -g 0 root This one will create a group "root" with group identification number "0". It is important to provide 0 (zero) as group identifier (gid) because this is the expected gid for "root". touch /etc/passwd This command will create empty file "/etc/passwd" where we store the login information for our users. adduser -h /root -G root -u 0 root This command will create user "root" with home folder "/root", assign the new user to the "root" group and set user identifier (uid) "0". It is important to provide 0 (zero) as uid because this is the expected uid for the "root" user. Add whatever password you want when asked. Try to remember it. login The above command will initiate the login process. Now you should be able to log in as "root" with the password which you have provided. --- --- --- Another possible improvement is to set appropriate "global" rights (including the 't' sticky flag) for the /tmp folder. You can do that by executing the following command: chmod 1777 /tmp I haven't included this in the /init script, as in this particular situation it doesn't really matter. By default, we get uid=0 shell console and we have full and unrestricted access to the /tmp folder. However, if you decide to add more users to the system (not just the "root" user), you may also include the above command in the /init script file. --- --- --- Probably the easiest update you can do is to re-compile the kernel with other options instead of the default ones. This is how we do it for the kernel. First of all we need to know what possible options we have. Navigate to the kernel's source folder and execute the following command: make help We have several options for interactive ".config" generation. Let's go with this one: make menuconfig You might need to resolve one more dependency ("ncurses") if you want the above command to work. Once this is done, you can choose any kernel configuration options you like. The provided menu is quite complex, but we are not in a hurry. Take your time and enable or disable any options you want. Don't forget to save your configuration. Now all we need is to compile the new kernel. make vmlinux Depending on your configuration, this time the build might take longer. Obviously, if you decide to go through manual kernel ".config" configuration, you can no longer use the script "" because it will override your new configuration with the default one. --- --- --- Even though we haven't discussed this topic, you might have already noticed that the file ".config", which comes along with the other build scripts, contains the URL locations for the kernel sources and the BusyBox sources. You can easily build live Linux OS based on different kernel/BusyBox versions if you provide different URLs in the ".config" file. Here is the content of the default ".config" file: # You can find the latest Linux kernel source bundles here: # # # KERNEL_SOURCE_URL= # You can find the latest BusyBox source bundles here: # # # BUSYBOX_SOURCE_URL= Of course, once you do that, you also need to go through the scripts "" and "" or execute the relevant commands from these scripts manually. --- --- --- Another very interesting improvement is to execute /sbin/init and rely on further configuration provided in /etc/inittab. Here is the modified version of the shell script "": #/bin/sh cd work rm -rf rootfs cd busybox cd $(ls -d *) cp -R _install ../../rootfs cd ../../rootfs rm -f linuxrc mkdir dev mkdir etc mkdir proc mkdir src mkdir sys mkdir tmp cd etc touch echo '#!/bin/sh' >> echo 'dmesg -n 1' >> echo 'mount -t devtmpfs none /dev' >> echo 'mount -t proc none /proc' >> echo 'mount -t sysfs none /sys' >> echo >> chmod +x touch welcome.txt echo >> welcome.txt echo ' #####################################' >> welcome.txt echo ' # #' >> welcome.txt echo ' # Welcome to "Minimal Linux Live" #' >> welcome.txt echo ' # #' >> welcome.txt echo ' #####################################' >> welcome.txt echo >> welcome.txt touch inittab echo '::sysinit:/etc/' >> inittab echo '::restart:/sbin/init' >> inittab echo '::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/reboot' >> inittab echo '::once:cat /etc/welcome.txt' >> inittab echo '::respawn:/bin/cttyhack /bin/sh' >> inittab echo 'tty2::once:cat /etc/welcome.txt' >> inittab echo 'tty2::respawn:/bin/sh' >> inittab echo 'tty3::once:cat /etc/welcome.txt' >> inittab echo 'tty3::respawn:/bin/sh' >> inittab echo 'tty4::once:cat /etc/welcome.txt' >> inittab echo 'tty4::respawn:/bin/sh' >> inittab echo >> inittab cd .. touch init echo '#!/bin/sh' >> init echo 'exec /sbin/init' >> init echo >> init chmod +x init cp ../../*.sh src cp ../../.config src cd ../.. This script creates very minimal /init which executes /sbin/init. Then, the new init process (that is /sbin/init with PID 1) reads the file /etc/inittab and executes all commands provided there. The script /etc/ takes care of the initial "mount" stuff. We also have 4 terminals (that you can switch between with "Alt + F1" to "Alt + F4") and the contents of the file /etc/welcome.txt are displayed before we access the shell for each of these terminals. You can find more information about the supported /etc/inittab commands here: Note that the details above are specific to BusyBox. Usually, the "init" process supports runlevels, but that's not the case here. --- --- --- You are most probably using a normal user (i.e. not "root") when you execute the scripts. One side effect of this is, the generated initrtamfs will keep the original ownership of all files and folders. However, this leads to some interesting discrepancies when you run the system. Some of the files/folders will have "root" ownership (uid=0, gid=0), but most of the files/folders will have the same uid/gid as the user which you used in order to build the system. This has no implications at all since we have unrestricted shell console but if you'd like to "fix" this, you will have to either execute "" as "root" or manually change the ownership of the initramfs folder (i.e. "work/rootfs") before you execute the script "" with this command: chown -R root:root work/rootfs Note that the above command requires "root" permissions, so there is no way to escape from the abovementioned discrepancies unless you have "root" access. Also note that you may need to take care of the permissions for the script files in the "work/rootfs/src" folder. To do so, either delete the "src" folder before you run "" or make sure that all files have global "read" permissions. ### ### ### 5. Next Steps OK, now we know how to build and run a basic Linux system. But that's not enough. Now we would like to build a more complex system, probably one which supports "pacman", "apt-get", or any other package manager. Building such a system requires a lot more work. A lot more! I mean it! For starters, "Minimal Linux Live" lives entirely in the "initramfs" space. Simply said - this is the RAM space. We never really get out of there. Basically this is what you need if you want a more functional live Linux system: 1) Compressed file system (SquashFS)- where all the real stuff would be. 2) GNU Coreutils - these are the real shell command line utilities (ls, cd, etc.). You need them as later on, we would "escape" from "initramfs" and use the actual file system available in the compressed file. Alternatively, you can overlay the whole "BusyBox" environment on top of the compressed file system but that's not really a professional approach. 3) You need to "switch_root" to the actual file system (the compressed one) which you first need to locate, then mount and finally make it "writable" by overlaying virtual RAM files/folders via UnionFS/AuFS (or something similar) in case the bootable media is not already writable. Remember that you are mounting compressed FS, which means that if you make any changes on files located in the original FS, they will not be persisted between reboots. Probably, you would like to handle this edge case. 4) You need to prepare the stuff that you want to be present in the compressed file system in advance. Assuming that we are building a useful live Linux OS, the absolute minimum is "GNU Coreutils", network management utilities and probably some kind of package manager, e.g. "pacman" or "apt-get". Don't forget that most of this additional stuff very likely relies on different kernel options that also need to be enabled/configured beforehand. 5) You need to rewrite /init and make it execute all necessary steps to fulfil point 3 from the above. Different live Linux systems use different approaches here. All of the above is definitely *not* minimal but it's definitely doable if you put some additional effort. It will take time, but as a result you would have a fully functional live Linux OS, which you would have created entirely by yourself. ### ### ### 6. Epilogue That's all folks! I hope you find this tutorial useful. And remember, we are talking about very minimal live Linux OS here. If you want to create something bigger, I suggest you take a look at "Linux From Scratch" (google it, you'll find it). At some point, you may also find it useful to play around with other live Linux distributions. Don't forget that the initramfs file is compressed and in order to get to the actual /init script you will need to uncompress it. Then you can see the actual file structure of the initial root file system and examine the /init script file. This will give you more insight on the boot process for the particular live Linux distributions that you are learning from. One interesting live Linux distribution is "Slax". Just download it and take a look at the /init script file (remember, you can uncompress the initramfs file). There is also a very good document which explains the internal root file system and the OS boot process for Slax: The above URL may have changed but it is valid at the time I write this document.